Weather Station CW1353 in West Mobile, AL
Disclaimer : This weather station is personally owned and maintained. Data from this weather station
is provided in support of the local mesonet program of the National Weather Service.

Site ID:



Joe Maniscalco


Site Details:



West Mobile, AL Latitude: 30.60797 => 30.36'28.69N Longitude: 88.25854 => 88.15'30.74W Elevation: 154'

Weather Elements Measured:

------------------------------------------------ T - Temperature Td - Dewpoint RH - Relative Humidity MSLP - Mean Sea Level Pressure DD - Wind Direction FF - Wind Speed HI - Heat Index* WC - Wind Chill* Precipitation

Sensor and Software Details:

------------------------------------------------ Unit: Davis Wireless Vantage Pro. Software: WeatherLink 5.6. Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) Height: 4 ft. Anemometer Type/Height: Small Cup / 6.1 Meters ~ 20 ft. Exposure: Excellent.

* Data on web pages offered by season.